Monday, January 3, 2011

I Will Conquer

Yeah, that's right, 2011. I will conquer you. (It doesn't seem like it right now.) But, I will. I have spent my 2011 so far cleaning up the aftermath from the bomb that went off in my house while I was sick. I got better one day and looked around and wondered how the heck all of THAT happened! So, about 15 or so loads of laundry later and a whole lot of cleaning, I am well on my way. Now to get rid of this constant cough.....I think/hope I will conquer that in 2011 as well. As I look forward to this year, it looks scary and fun. Scary obstacles in 2011: potty training, 24 weeks of more college classes, re-entering the work world after being at home for 4 years??, and Josh's company's contract is up the end of February so we start that whole process over again (what?! not everyone loses their job every year and starts all over again?! what?). Fun times in 2011: a weekend in Houston to see one of my best friends get married, a weekendish in Colorado with my hubby to visit one of my bestest friends that I love so much, I just want to kiss her face, and Josh finishing school the end of June. The whole Josh finishing school thing is a B.I.G. deal. You see, for the past 4 years Josh has been working full time, studying for and passing 6 computer certification exams, an Air Force Reservist, an awesome dad, a wonderful husband, AND been in school full time year round. Yep, I'm talking 12-15 credit hours a semester, and he will be completely finished in June (and is currently holding a 3.9 GPA). If someone deserves a big freaking pat on the back, it's him. So, that is super exciting for all of us!

For the past two days, I have been fighting with 2011. I wasn't ready for it, I didn't think I could conquer it...even though it only happens one day at a time. But this morning, I awoke with renewed energy, put my big girl pants on and confidently faced this year. I hope to not only conquer this year, but to be a better person at the end of it. My goals for this year are to be more thankful and more disciplined. I want those two goals to affect all aspects of my life. This morning I got to start facing a scary obstacle of 2011 - potty training. Ugh. Potty training is what I hope to be one of the worst parts of parenting. Emmelia has been so stinkin stubborn about this topic, but desperately wants to wear princess panties. So, when she woke up dry this morning, I put her on the potty right away and she peed on the potty for the first time ever (after about 300 dry runs)! So, we so very excitedly put her princess panties on and went to the kitchen to get a potty treat. She stood in the kitchen looking sooooo cute in her panties and oh so very proudly displayed her sucker to me as I took her picture. I was so excitedly and proudly sending that picture on my phone to my parents and Emmelia peed all over my kitchen floor. And she hasn't made it successfully to the potty since.

Whatever 2011. Bring it.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I read this when you first posted it, but due to um...technical difficulties of my computer, I couldn't comment. And tonight I can. As you are home with Lily puking. Ah 2011.
