Friday, December 24, 2010


Alright everyone, I know that I have been asking for prayer and updating as much as I can on facebook, but here is a better outlet to explain what is going on and how you can help us.

Tuesday night, I rapidly got sick and miserably made it through the night in hopes of getting in to see my doctor Wednesday morning. Well, my doctor didn't have any openings, so I grudgingly went to the hospital. They told me I had pneumonia and to come back Monday for a chest x-ray to make sure I'm doing better and sent me home with meds. I know medicine doesn't work instantly, but this medicine was doing NOTHING to make me feel better. I have been taking 3-4 ibuprofen or tylenol every 3-4 hours in attempt to get my fever down (I know, total overdosing). Well, with that amount of fever reducing drugs, I was only getting my fever down to 103 for an hour or two and then it would spike right back up. I have been having terrible chills, wretching gagging constant coughing, terrible chest pain, and pretty much no ability to breathe. I don't have the energy or lung capacity to walk any further than the five steps to the bathroom. This is the worst sickness I have ever had and wouldn't wish this upon anyone!!

Now, my parents graciously came at 7:45 Wednesday morning to take the girls to their house for 3 days in effort to keep them healthy. But last night (Thursday) my mom called and Emmelia had spiked a high fever and was coughing. So, Josh immediately went to pick her up and brought her home. She seemed to react well to the ibuprofen and we decided to wait her sickness out til this morning, which was a total blessing that I will explain in a little bit.

Last night and through the night I was not keeping my fever down and was begging God to take me home. So, first thing this morning I called my regular doctor, knowing that if I didn't see him, back to the hospital I would be going. Emmelia woke up several times during the night crying and barking like a seal and had a high fever this morning. So, first thing this morning Josh called the pediatrician, knowing that if they couldn't see him, off to Children's Hospital they would be going.

My appointment was first and the doctor tested me for Influenza A and I tested positive. My doctor was extremely concerned about Emmelia and told us to tell the pediatrician that I tested positive for Influenza A and get her tested. Now, let me quickly explain Influenza A. This is not just your regular old seasonal flu. Oh how I wish that it was. Influenza A has several different strains and the popular outbreak strain last year was H1N1. My doctor said the strain has not broken out yet this year yet like H1N1 did last year. But as you all know, I like to be first to accomplish things and spreading a plague is really on my list of "to-dos" and now I am well on my way. If this influenza is caught within the first 24-36 hours, there are anti-virals that can help, but I am too late for that. So, I get to ride out this misery train all the way through Christmas and am contagious as long as I have a fever, which is 5-7 days.

So, onto Emmelia's appointment. The reaction from the pediatrician was actually a bit comical in this situation. Emmelia was first and obviously diagnosed with croup. Without my appointment this morning, the diagnosis would have been left at that and they never would have tested her for the Influenza A and gotten her the right medicine immediately for that. Praise God! They tested her for the Influenza A and when he came in to tell Josh the test was positive, he and all the nurses were wearing gloves and masks and very quickly ushered them out the back door of the pediatrician's office. He sent us home for the anti-virals for Emmelia and prescribed some to be sent to Lily down at my parent's house. Unfortunately, the croup medicine would cut down on the effectiveness of the influenza medicine and the pediatrician was much more concerned about the strain of Influenza being life threatening than the croup. So, we have to watch Emmelia carefully through the night and any signs of labored breathing or gasping for air, we get to rush her to Children's. Otherwise, Emmelia and I are on house quarantine and we are not going to be celebrating Christmas tomorrow. Lily will stay at my parent's through Sunday night when we figure out where she will be going next.

So, many of you have asked what you can do to help. Please pray for us. This has been the most miserable sickness ever and I know what is in store for Emmelia. Pray that I will start my recovery at day 5 instead of day 7 and pray that Emmelia will experience the lightest of symptoms. Pray that Emmelia's croup will heal on it's own and we won't be rushing to Children's during the night. Pray that Josh (who is staying at the house with us!!), Lily, and my parents will not get this. Pray for Josh as he is acting as mommy, nurse, chef, launderer, and all around domestic goddess which he is NOT used to and this is taxing on him as well. Pray that I can realize that the least important thing in this whole situation is that Josh dressed Emmelia in bright pink pants and an orange shirt this morning and took her out in public ;) And please pray for our spirits as we will not be able to partake in or spend Christmas together. This is our first Christmas in our new house and the girls have very excitedly been counting down to Jesus's birthday on their VeggieTales advent calendar and I'm really struggling with the emotional side of all this. We covet all of your prayers and wish you and your families a healthy and Merry Christmas. I am thankful that Jesus was born a healthy baby and I can therefore spend eternity in heaven with my family with no sickness to pull us apart.


  1. Dear Bethany, Josh, Lily and Emmelia,

    We are so sorry about this struggle you are having with Influenza A. Please know that you are in our prayers out here in Pennsylvania. Sarah had an awful time with some bug on Tuesday and I tried to take care of her - so I have great sympathy for you, too, Josh. Thanks for keeping us posted and we'll keep checking in with you. - Jon, Sarah, Hilary and Olivia

  2. Oh Bethany! I am so sorry you all are going thru this! I've been praying for you all and know better how to pray now! Wish there was more I could do but God is able to heal quickly and to protect so we'll trust Him for that!

  3. bullets? Our neighbors manufacture their the basement. Too bad, we could have gotten them cheap!
    Praying for you guys.
